If you are able to donate food and/or toiletries to the Food Bank, items can be dropped off in the following places:

  • Woodlands Co-op
  • The Vicarage (9 Great North Road, Woodlands) in the box by the back door. The Vicarage crate will be emptied regularly and is covered by CCTV. If you are leaving a large donation please ring the doorbell.
  • Skellow donation box (The Willows, 1st house on Crabgate Lane) in the box by the front door.


Donations of dry food/cans/long life items, toiletries, nappies and wipes and sanitary products would be wonderful.
To see a full list of items we are in need of please see our Shopping List.

All items must be within their “Best Before” or “Use By” dates please.

Sadly we cannot currently accept donations of baby food, baby milk, baby milk powder, fresh food or items needing refrigerating.

Donations of money to support the work of the Food Bank can be made via All Saints Church.  Please email foodbank@all-saints-church.net and someone will contact you with the details.